7 Plus Essential Oils to Send with your College Student

7 Plus Essential Oils to Send with your College Student
Do you have a son or daughter leaving for college in the next few days?  I am often asked, "What oils should I send with Suzanne when she leaves for college?" or "What would be some good oils to send with Anthony for dorm life?"  There are many essential oils that are wonderful assets to the life of a college student.  Essential oils that may help with focus, support emotional health, and physical health.  Here is what I would put in that care package of essential oils.  Click on each heading to learn more about each essential oil.

Thieves and Thieves Vitality* are a blend of cinnamon bark, lemon, eucalyptus, clove and rosemary.  A favorite for supporting the immune system, put a drop on your feet each morning before putting on your socks and shoes.  You may also choose to rub a drop on your throat or diffuse to cleanse the air and give your room a spicy aroma.  Include it your own hand spray, or foaming hand soap.  Thieves Vitality is great in your water, tea, or create your own "chai" beverage.  

Peppermint and Peppermint Vitality* is at the top of the list because is such a versatile essential oil.  It is supportive of the nervous system, the muscles, the digestive system, the endocrine system, and the respiratory system.  Not only is it supportive of the body in so many different ways it also may help keep little flying and crawling annoyances from your room.  Diffuse to awaken the senses and help you to focus on that late night project.  Apply topically to the back of the neck or other muscle groups including the abdomen for a cooling sensation that may relax the muscles or contribute to the comfort of your body.  A drop rubbed on your chest can be a benefit to your respiratory system.  A drop of Peppermint Vitality in a quart of water is a refreshing benefit to your digestive system.  Whereas added to a chocolate protein shake makes for an awesome after work out muscle support drink.

Lemon and Lemon Vitality* can be another revitalizing oil.  It has a refreshing aroma that is great for waking up in the morning or helping you stay focused on the task at hand. Try it over the bridge of your nose when your upper respiratory system is in need of support.  Add a drop or two of Lemon Vitality to a glass of water for general detox or a refreshing pick me up.  Try it in sparkling water instead of drinking pop or soda.

Purification is a blend that contains citronella, lemongrass, tea tree, and other great cleansing oils.  It is nick named "The Deodorizer" for good reason.  It is great to diffuse in your dorm room when you just have not gotten around to getting that smelly laundry done.  Or put a couple of drops on a cotton ball and place in your gym bag.  Because of its cleansing abilities, it may be supportive of the the skin and unexpected bumps.

StressAway is a blend that contains lime, vanilla, copaiba and other oils.  The blending of these oils creates a great blend that is supportive of the emotional and nervous systems.  My favorite place to use this oil is on the back of my neck close to the brain stem.  You can also use this oil over your heart, the crown of your head, your wrists or the bottom of your feet.  A few minutes after applying this oil may bring a sense of calm and equilibrium to your emotions.

Lavender is another essential oil that creates a sense of relaxation when used.  I have used StressAway or Lavender as part of my bedtime routine depending on the kind of day I have had or the what the next day may be bringing.  Just rub a drop on the bottom of your feet.  It is also great for the skin.  Just place a drop on the blemish or areas that have been exposed to the sun too long.

Tea Tree, known for its cleansing properties, it is another one that can be used on blemishes.  My favorite use for this oil is to combine it with lavender in coconut oil and then slather it on my feet, making sure to get between my toes, each night as part of my bedtime routine.

These are the oils that are the must haves to help your college student thrive during the school year.  Please check out my home page and all the valuable information contained on it, including the great videos.  www.cherishedvitality.com

*The Vitality line of oils are labeled for internal or dietary consumption.  It is the same oil as the regular line of oils which are labeled with topical and aromatic use.