Cherished Vitality
Focus Roll-on Recipe
Thank you for reading my Essentials for Back to School blog and for your interest in the recipe.  Please register to receive more recipes and blogs of this nature.
Focus Roll-on Recipe
Thank you for reading my Essentials for Back to School blog and for your interest in the recipe.  Please register to receive more recipes and blogs of this nature.
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Meet Kim Diers

I first learned about and started using essential oils for health and wellness around 2009.  At that time, I used peppermint oil to support my digestive and muscle systems; and oregano oil to support my immune and respiratory systems.  When my first bottle of peppermint oil ran out I could not find the brand that I had been using, so I bought a different brand.  I noticed that it did not seem to have the same effect on me as before.  I wondered, "Is it the peppermint oil, or is it the brand?"

During this time, I started reading Facebook posts by a friend, a fellow Young Living Distributor, and grew to know the superior standardized quality of their oils through her, as well as the way they supported her health and that of her family.  September 2013, I was able to experience Young Living  essential oils (YLEO) for myself.  After looking, smelling, and even tasting them, I was hooked and signed up to be a member.

Upon getting my Premium Starter Kit, I immediately opened checked out the peppermint oil.  OH, what a difference!  What a revitalizing, and refreshing  smell.  I compared the smell to the other brands I had in the house.  The others smelled sweeter, more like food grade or like that had a sweetener added to them.  Nothing like the strong, pure smell of the Young Living Peppermint essential oil.

I soon discovered how easy it was to share my experiences with YLEOs with others and decided to become a distributor, signing up for YL's Essential Rewards autoship program  before my first was over.

I would like to help you discover YLEO for yourself, helping you on your essential oil journey.  It is the best decision you can make for the health and wellness of yourself and your family.


